Saturday, December 4, 2010


The new moon in Sagitarius takes place during the fallow time of year.

Fallow, perhaps, for planting, growing, or harvesting. But now is the time of year when you must go through the catalogue of seeds.

What dreams shall be planted this year? What wishes will be liberated from their shells?

Tonight is the night to dream, and to dream big:
Live to 2150 A.D from this incarnation;
Become Immortal;
Balance your check book;
Find a lover...

Let your mind and heart soar; let your soul be free.

Find the seeds. Let the dreamer wake the world to a new reality.

Tomorrow, begin anew, with all possibilities before you.

Love to you from my heart to yours,
L.A. Lady Rae

1 comment:

  1. I'll have better luck with balancing my check book then finding a lover..snort*
