Sunday, September 25, 2011


I think this movement will, in 140 years, be viewed as one of the seeds of the Macro world as described in the book 2150 A.D.

These are all status updates and comments I wrote about this situation, mostly in response to someone's comment that "a bunch of people waving signs and yelling won't do anything".
How non-violent occupation works: Resources must be diverted to support the sudden population. This can be as simple as all the influx of human waste, or as complicated as staffing a new police force. In an already strained economy, the government does not have much to spare (especially with all those $8 cups of coffee-- Marie Antoinette, anyone?). SO as the ranks swell, they become less and less contained, until they dominated the microsytem-- in this case, the most important microsystem in the US. Now business as usual can change.  Now business as usual HAS changed, and can be made to change more permanently, in a manner that is better for all people everywhere.
  This is the first time this has ever been done non-violently. Watching the livestream from Liberty Square I feel joy for humanity. This is a beautiful movement of courage and daring. These are people that are really seeing that there IS enough for everyone. It just needs to be properly distributed.
 The longer this goes on the stronger it will become. I see thirty thousand, more. I see deeply shifting changes. I see an understanding between the "sides" that has never been seen before.
 You know, someday, clicking "like" is going to be how people make money. One day we will realise that money is human energy. It can buy honey but only if bees make it. There are enough humans, there is enough money. 

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