Wednesday, September 21, 2011


You know, seriously, maybe we "tolerance" people should just tolerate these really crazy people called conservatives. They really do seem to be the new minority, or even more accurately, a dying breed. Let the zealots fight each other to death, I am going to stay out of it from now on.
If you hear me talking about politics, please feel free to remind me of this. I have a lot of perverted sex to have, bizarre topics to discuss, pagan worship to do, banned books to read, and devil music to listen to.
Thank you.
 (This is post of one of my better facebook status updates. :o)


  1. tolerance is just another word for taking shit.

  2. Well, that is another way of looking at it. But I have found that humour and not responding to these idiots shuts them up. They are like children that want attention.
