Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today is John Lennon's birthday.  In addition to being a famous musician, he was a great mystic and highly evolved spiritual person. I do think about him on this day, and celebrate with his music.  However, I make a bigger to-do, generally, about the anniversary of his death,

Same with the anniversary of musician Marc Bolan's death.  He died on September 16th and was born on the 30th.  Some folks have wondered why I focus on the anniversary of his death?

It is my understanding that with most spirits, and especially "ghosts"-- that is to say, those trapped in the lower astral, like Dicken's Jacob Marley-- that the birthday is about blood and kin and very close friends.

Death anniversaries are about the fans.

And celebrities and those spirits that become well known seem to have some sort of ability to enter the consciousness of masses of people. (I think this is why so many people think they were Cleopatra or Caesar or Marilyn Monroe, etc, in a past life.)

So Happy Birthday, Mr. Lennon!  I look forward to communing more with your spirit in December!


  1. even when I was a kid I had such a strong attraction to africa..and africans that I still think I was an african in anohter life..

  2. We all are related to Africa. That place where Rael and her family are from on Lake Victoria is most likely the origin of all humans, even though there is also evidence of different kinds of humans developing in other parts of the world. (I believe in all instances it was a common primate ancestress that spread around the world, and then became different types of early hominids and humans, etc. But I think the common primate ancestor originated there.) But for you, knowing you, I agree, your energy and aura, your spirit. Maybe even a recent past lifetime.
