Monday, December 24, 2012


This is the Lady Rae Facebook post for today:

MERRY WITCHMASS PEEPS! Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is in Scorpio, digging up all the dirt. But guess what, that is okay. Today is a great day to do a spell I call "There is no such thing as bad publicity". Have people trash talking about you behind your back? On some level that means that they have given you their power. Today, reclaim all of the energy that others have released into the world about you. Call it to you and then put it in a crystal or some similar vessel. Leave the crystal in a dish of salt by sunlight, and water by moonlight, for three days and nights, the day before, of, and after the full moon. Transmute and use the purified energy as you wish. Allow all things that are of you to strengthen you. Blessed be!

And I would add: 

This should also serve to neutralize  any relationships your enemies or nemeses have made based on "shared dislike" of you, 

The full moon is exact on Friday morning, and as you are purifying I would say start on Thursday at dawn with the crystal in the salt in the sunlight.  Wrap the crystal in a dark cloth and leave it on your altar or in the self or reputation area (feng-shui bagwa) of your house until Thursday morning.  

Today is a day when love and forgiveness, and the birth of Hope and Salvation is on a lot of people's minds.  A lot of the old angers and grudges are being released.  (That does not mean that you have to return to relationships that are outdated or toxic, just that those things are being reconsidered.  Not held as tightly.)

Moreover, right now is a great time to strengthen your view of yourself and your own opinion of yourself in your community.   Your reputation. Since this is a time where secrets are being revealed and also a lot of people are going through a shift where information that had previously withheld will be coming to light (often inadvertently), this is not a time to take outer action, so much as to align within.

Another good spell, really more of a meditation, is to spend some time really appreciating yourself and how much you have to offer the world.  Think about the good things you do for yourself, for other people, and the world.

Align yourself with your highest intentions and purposes.  That way you are positioned to receive only the best of the changes taking place.  

This will help, I am hoping, to lessen the shock of the really ugly, hidden things that are being revealed in the new light of higher consciousness that is the Dawn of the New Age.


  1. I like when you talk about's always a bad thing..ha

  2. Scorpio is just very secretive and deep,and rules the 8th house which is where death is. So Saturn, a very strict ruler and one of the Titans, that rules Capricorn and the tenth house, is the planet is going through Scorpio, which is like the really old boss, the one that started the company way back, coming through and finding all the mistakes and secrets and cooked books, and opening up all the forgotten doors, and giving the old timers their karma due and recognition. You can't hide things from Saturn. And if you cross him, you end up doing penance on your knees, so it is a bit of payback time as well. :D

  3. You all know that the Daemonic One, Leslie, Scourge of BBC, is a Scorpio. Right?
    It's obvious what I am.

  4. Post something new, will ya?
    Oh and your welcome to those of the 'Deva' persuasion? Does this apply also to us folks of the feminine 'Devi' persuasion?
    Or better still, us Devadasi - like the statue on my blog?

  5. I think actually it should be "devs" up there but not knowing that, I was doing the default Romance language of using the masculine. Will correct shortly, thanks!

    1. Avoid Romance languages - Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian - nothing but grief there.

      Stick to the Germanic ones - The Queen's English.

      Nyuck nyuck!

    2. I might have been thinking of Dorothy MacLean's Findhorn devas, but I think she swiped the term.
