Sunday, July 7, 2013


Tomorrow will be a great day for all magickal peeps to beam out the Higher Love Vibrations on the Cosmic Consciousness Channel.  (HLV on the CCC.)

New moon in a few hours, then Void moon for almost 24 hours. On the day of the Mercury Retrograde conjunction, and a bunch of other wacky aspects, I feel a bit of fear and trembling, the old girl herself wobbling on her axis. Let's all move slowly and carefully tomorrow. Perhaps save the New Moon magick and spells for the appearance of the crescent in a few nights?

For Magickal Peeps there is a truly miraculous window of opportunity- having to do partly with Saturn and Pluto, but partly with the void moon and Merc retro energy making everything so static. Great power is available, but it has to be used properly by the magickal peeps, because the mundane world is going to be on shut down and sleepwalking mode. 

GATHER THE MOJO IN A JAR FOR LATER USE. Unless you are an uber-world walker/shape shifter/reality wrangler. In which case, end world hunger or win the lotto.

Or both.

I have it on good authority that some broken wands might get fixed tonight.  Witches know that children are the wisest of the humans.  When a child tells you something, they are telling you something more important than any news show report.  One knows less as one ages and "matures".  Maturity will be the death of a witch or other magickal person.  It is not the elderly or the "old souls" that are truly wise, it is the young.  They can still see the elves and understand that snowstorms can come on a summer day.  

The Moon is new (knew) in Cancer, The Lady's own sign.  This is the sign of the mother, the heart and the emotions, and nurturing love.   It is fitting that she is void, on such a day, with Jupiter in her court, she should not have to work.  

It is the perfect day for the Texas women's March:  

The Matriarchy is rising. 

Peace out Peeps.

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