Monday, June 16, 2014


Bloomsday is June 16th because of the James Joyce novel "Ulysses".  The stream of consciousness narrative novel is celebrated in Dublin every year on this day.

In "Finnegan's Wake", Joyce muses that "Dublin" contains the question "Doyoubelong?"

If you are a magickal person, world walker, new immortal, or yearning for the 5 D New Age world, you definitely DO NOT BELONG to what is happening right now.

In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One Eyed Are Kings, as Dead Can Dance reminds us.  (The first song of their's that I really connected with is Ulysses, so natch, I always think of them on Bloomsday.

This is one heck of a Mercury Retrograde.  The muggle world thinks it is Chicken Little or Humpty Dumpty, and it is Big Bang Number 2-- The Age of Avatars, the New Age of Electronic Fire.

Whether you are actively taking part in the New Age by immersing yourself in the details of the mundane world and facilitating the new Enlightened systems (politics, society, wealth), or just enjoying the final decadence of the Old Age (meat, pets, private property) get ready to duck and cover or join the melee in the streets come July.

Something wicked this way comes, and it looks like the financial crisis of 2008 all over again-- with just a touch of World War 3 thrown in.

What a mess.  Humans have about a month to figure out the problems with wealth inequality and class society.  Can we get some of those special sunglasses from the movie "They Live"?

Keep that lavender near the computer for Mercury/Hermes/Thoth, light that rainbow candle for Iris (or prism, especially if you can position the rainbow to hit a bowl or dish of water), and double check the details, be prepared for delays when travelling and back peddling in all business deals.

Happy Bloomsday!

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