Tuesday, September 2, 2014


EDIT: As of 14 Sept 2014 I am back on facebook and Lady Rae page is up.  Good chance to learn about Twitter, and even though I had an account before, I'd rarely used it.  The Michael Brown Jr revolution is taking place mostly on Twitter.

One of the right wing trolls (see my last two posts**) reported me on facebook (for using a nickname) and they suspended my account.  I thought someone had just hacked my account and logged me out.  When I finally went through all the rigmarole of a new password, etc and got the "Facebook is a place where we use our real names" I had a response similar to the time the cable company had clipped my service from the curb (in other words, actually come out to the pole and disconnected my service, instead of temporarily suspending, which would have been a minor charge and a two hour wait, instead of a service call and re-connection fee).

My response.  "What a relief.  It's mostly a waste of time."

I can still troll via Google Plus, and keep up with people via my blogs, Twitter, and, oh yeah! email!  Time will tell if I will miss the meme's that are so handy for illustrating blog posts.  (But Yellowdog Grannie and few other blog I follow also supply the best ones.***)

Pre-2008 I had a very big resistance to social media-- and cell phones, I didn't get a phone until 2009! And I was living in L.A., where cell phones were de riguer.   It was with great reluctance that I joined facebook, and of course, I loved it, but lately I have felt that I spend too much time on facebook and have become too dependent on it.

This "facecation"has the added bonus of not draining off potential blog posts into status updates.  Or sucking me in when I am writing and go on line to do research.

Maybe I will change my mind.  We'll see.  But in the meantime, email me here, or call or text me.  And if you are facebook friend, please feel free to let our mutual friends what happened, if you feel so inclined.

Blessings Peeps!

** http://laladyrae.blogspot.com/2014/08/how-to-explain-ferguson-protests-how.html

*** Like this one, of the Troll's "Hero"

And this one, of blue common sense, versus red "common cents".

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