Monday, November 8, 2021


 If you want the advance draft of my story Samhain Ritual for $3, it will remain that price until tomorrow at sunset.  Below is my facebook post about my process.  

I hope you are having a wonderful Samhain this year! That amazing sunset last night was definitely the spirits! OMGoddess it was incredible here- truly the magick hour!!! Blessings peeps

I originally wrote Samhain Ritual because I had been trying to write about an incident that occurred during Samhain 2019, and some things I learned from the dead about what it is like to be at one of my rituals from the other side. And to reveal Mysteries that are ready to go out into the world. The pdf was to be $16 or $17.  I was planning to advertise with a facebook ad from Lady Rae page.

Then this character Jesse showed up, and then some spirits offering their lives as setting and plot device, and then the story just told itself to me, the way all of my stories come. Jesse was conceived in 1992, right after I had a nervous breakdown and I was really dealing with my past (and the truth about how I felt about it) and my rejection of atheism and empiricism. I could tell myself every minute that there was no such thing as spirits or psychic or etc, but it wasn't organic.

From that 1992 story evolved my alter ego (Charlene Sainte-Claire), and this alternate universe and STL (River City). Jesse is just a minor character in that first story, and I know almost nothing about him, except he is a Frankenstein of men from that defining 3 year period in my life, which is too young for me to legally write about, for real.  Jesse is the worst of them that were just short of being truly evil.

The original book would have been 30 pages, maybe.  Just dense, esoteric stuff that I can write without much effort. One of the big motivators was to find other Mediums, psychics, etc that wanted to share info or at least have a convo about these things. I only know a few folks (you know who you are).

Writing a story (and especially one that potentially enough people wanted to read that I could sell and subsist on) is an easy fantasy to engage. In reality, I need to find an agent and submit this to a publisher, and get it all cleaned up and develop all the plot points into chapters that are Netflix episode-ready.  (This is actually really saleable as a story about the tragic slut girls and their relationships, and also the "is this just a crazy person hallucinating or is this real?" If anyone knows an agent or publisher or producer that might give me a chance?)

Writing isn't like painting or composing music, it is a really solitary mental process, and it requires a solitary, mental response, it requires reading.  A painting can be viewed with a group of people, music can be heard by a group of people, but even audio books require a kind of singular, subjective and sustained attention from the mind, not just the eyes or the emotions.

It's difficult not to "prematurely epublicate" lol or become pushy, or undervalue the work out of neediness to have it consumed.

This story is partly a Samhain offering, and it was my intent to share some of these mysteries. And I love readers! I love feedback! so I'm going to leave it at $3 until tomorrow at sunset just in case.

Last chance, to be the first!!! xxoo

BTW ye of little faith! I must not represent myself very well. (Probably not.)

*** Spoiler Alert***


if you read one of the first drafts of just Jesse's story and thought I'd put the Elementals on the bardo bridge by mistake or something, well, I guess I can see why you wouldn't want to read more. I feel sad I appear so inept or uncreative or whatever. It's part of the plot.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


The novella I keep posting about is a fictional story, however, I began writing a non-fiction piece to reveal several Mysteries (with permission, of course) including The Night of the Watchers, how both science and religion and magick are all "right" about death and the afterlife, and to provide a clear understanding of exactly what Samhain is- its origins, how to calculate, etc.

When I began writing this several characters from one of my fictional universes appeared, and their story allowed me to show not tell.  (There is some telling, but in the context of the story.)

I'd hoped to have the novella finished by Halloween.  It's not ready yet.  The standalone excerpt is still for sale, but the secrets listed above are not contained it.  However, purchasing it in advance guarantees delivery of the full novella when complete.  $3 on my Gumroad site.