Thursday, November 17, 2022


I am restricted from using any of my accounts for 6 days for re-posting a photo of Georgia O'Keefe that Steiglitz took of her.  Her breasts are bare.  You can't really see her nipples.  You couldn't really see Chesty Morgan's either- I got banned for those awhile back.  

Once they target you, everything you post becomes an issue.  And if you have a lot of lurking haters that can't wait for you to post something that gets reported, well...

Gonna switch over to Redditt.  The convos I want to have seem to be happening on Redditt. I just stay on fb because so many people I know are on there.  

FB has restricted me not just on that account, but on all my accounts. 

The real problem with Facebook is that they cannot figure out how to make the product pay to purchase itself.  And they are all greedy fucks that can never have enough money and profits. So like all capitalists they have to keep expanding. 

Social media, like utilities and internet, and big stores and services like Wal-Mart and Amazon, should belong to the people.  They should be public co-ops.  They shouldn't be a way for lazy men to make gobs of money and calling it "working". 

Anyhow. here is a link to a similar picture.  I can't find the one I posted.  I got it off another post on Facebook last year!!!! LOL

Remember, kids, nothing is more powerful than the "female" body- the body of the person with ovaries and a vagina and a uterus.  If people with ovaries claimed their power we could rule the world.  And do it much better than the Sperm people. 

That's why they ban us, exploit us, strip naked, rape us, make us cover up, shame us, don't let us abort, force us to sterilize, and try to control everything about us. 

Here's my nipples back in 2005.  Just to assert the power of The Nipple. 

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