Monday, July 22, 2013


Readings, Telekinesis, Spells and Magick, Astrology information, Henna tattoos, AND LOTS MORE!!!!

The first of a monthly series at Ye Ole Haunt in Old North!

Every month will feature a different theme with different guest oracles and musical and magickal folk.

The premiere is "Stars and Spirits". Astrology, Cosmic Mysticism, and the blessings of Lady Stardust! Come learn about some of the different types of astrology (Western, Chinese, and Vedic), test your own psychic and telekinetic powers, and take part in a seance.

Readings available from Stef Russell, Lady Rae, and another reader TBA.

Henna tattoos and other astrology and astronomy themed art by Allison Sands.

Music by Edgefield C Johnston

We begin the afternoon with a bit of information on the Stars and the Spirits.

The first musical set starts at 2:30.

At 3:15 we will be conducting a Seance, and participants can nominate spirits for us to contact. We will also see what non-living entities are "haunting" Ye Ole Haunt. The more Mediums in attendance the better!

Another live music set begins at 3:45. During that time we will also have a Ouija Board for you to try your "hand" at, and for those that are interested we will make magickal protection charm sachets for personal use.

At 4:30 we will be (attempting) to demonstrate telekinesis by levitating a bottle of spirits (pun intended ;o)

There will be readings and henna art throughout the afternoon.

This will be a good time for newbies and for longtime practitioners of the Metaphysical Arts!

Admission is free, and it is all ages. There is a parking lot right across the street, and Crown Candy is just down the street.

The next Supernatural Saturday won't be until August 24th, and the theme will be "Worts: Herb and Plant Magick"

YE OLE HAUNT 1319 Saint Louis Avenue, Old North, 63106 314.588.7149


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Before we begin, let me just note that this is the final Wednesday in this Mercury "retrograde".

Sometimes people say "I wish I was totally in flow of the current energy."  Well, if things are wonky, to put it mildly, you are, unfortunately, in the flow.

If you are having a total meltdown or are completely overwhelmed, just STOP.  BREATHE.


I know that is easier said than done, trust me.  Just have faith that SOMEHOW everything is working out.

(I don't know if I have faith, though, because I hear the dead peeps so clearly.  I have belief.)

They tell me that in the after life, a Medium like me is a ghost.  As bright and shimmery, as otherwordly, as much a reminder of the otherworld.

Today I learned something new from the ghosts, from the inhabitants of the lower astral. I was feeling totally overwhelmed and completely under-capable.

The dead peeps suggested looking at life how a ghost that was suddenly re-animated would view it. 

Not a spirit that has crossed over, but as one of those lost and lonely earthbound ghosts, like Jacob Marley.  Marley himself cannot come back and correct the errors he made during his own life, so he passes this gift of prescient hind-sight on to his business partner and kindred spirit, Ebeneezer Scrooge.

Oh to be given the chance again, to be stuck in traffic, miss a bus, sweat profusely in intolerable heat, not have enough money to pay a bill, not be able to work out a problem that has come up again and again....

It seem ridiculous, doesn't it?  To have fun at a funeral?  To feel the depth of life's joy at the height of  misery and misfortune?  To enjoy the feeling of suffering, just to be having a feeling?

But that is what the dead peeps counsel: LOVE YOUR LIFE. LOVE YOUR LIFE.  LOVE YOUR LIFE.


Have fun with it.

Won't it be fun, to find out how you solve this insurmountable problem?

Won't it just be delightful, to see how this misery sorts itself out?

So maybe it you won't always be able to get there. To really feel the fun. But keep that as your focus.

Reach for it.  Know it is there.  Remember those on the other side.

... It is going to be so much fun to see how I manage/get out of/overcome this situation?...

Be real careful on the 20th while Mercury stations and goes direct.  Be patient.  Carry some lavender.  Don't get too discouraged.


Sunday, July 14, 2013


I wish every white person in America would ask him or herself the following questions:

Am I afraid of black people?

 Especially black men?

Why am I afraid of black people?

Do I believe that they are different from people with white skin and that the problems in the black community are based on genetics and not environment?

Are any of my beliefs based in MY OWN actual life experiences?

How much of my understanding of black folks and culture comes from the media?

 Have I ever known any black people well enough to be comfortable enough to "forget" they are black?

Am I capable of interacting with black people, especially black men, as individual human beings, separate from skin colour and culture?

Can I imagine MYSELF as a black person?

If I can see myself as George Zimmerman, can I also see myself as Trayvon Martin?

Please don't post your answers to me, just know the answers for yourself.

If  you are black or another culture-- please feel free to ask yourself these questions and change all the colour words around. 

Ask yourself questions about what you believe all the time.  Never be afraid to look through another person's lens.  It is not wrong to try to see something from the POV of your enemy or opposition.  It is not wrong to try to believe or see something from a detestable point of view.

If it is truly detestable to you, it might leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, but it won't turn you into a Tea Bagger, or whatever.  In fact, it will most likely do the opposite. You will be able to explain your POV more clearly.

I will be posting more on this later.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Tomorrow will be a great day for all magickal peeps to beam out the Higher Love Vibrations on the Cosmic Consciousness Channel.  (HLV on the CCC.)

New moon in a few hours, then Void moon for almost 24 hours. On the day of the Mercury Retrograde conjunction, and a bunch of other wacky aspects, I feel a bit of fear and trembling, the old girl herself wobbling on her axis. Let's all move slowly and carefully tomorrow. Perhaps save the New Moon magick and spells for the appearance of the crescent in a few nights?

For Magickal Peeps there is a truly miraculous window of opportunity- having to do partly with Saturn and Pluto, but partly with the void moon and Merc retro energy making everything so static. Great power is available, but it has to be used properly by the magickal peeps, because the mundane world is going to be on shut down and sleepwalking mode. 

GATHER THE MOJO IN A JAR FOR LATER USE. Unless you are an uber-world walker/shape shifter/reality wrangler. In which case, end world hunger or win the lotto.

Or both.

I have it on good authority that some broken wands might get fixed tonight.  Witches know that children are the wisest of the humans.  When a child tells you something, they are telling you something more important than any news show report.  One knows less as one ages and "matures".  Maturity will be the death of a witch or other magickal person.  It is not the elderly or the "old souls" that are truly wise, it is the young.  They can still see the elves and understand that snowstorms can come on a summer day.  

The Moon is new (knew) in Cancer, The Lady's own sign.  This is the sign of the mother, the heart and the emotions, and nurturing love.   It is fitting that she is void, on such a day, with Jupiter in her court, she should not have to work.  

It is the perfect day for the Texas women's March:  

The Matriarchy is rising. 

Peace out Peeps.