Sunday, January 31, 2016


IT IS FABULOUS!  Truly something for everyone.  "Limited time" Mardi Gras photo spread.

Go to the post and then click on the links to the Google Docs for Front cover, Contents (26 pages). and Back cover (same as last month).

To whet your appetite, here are the contents! (The tab formatting was lost when I cut and pasted.  The numbers are page numbers.)  Like I said, something for everyone!!!!

Rain “Bowie” .........................................2

9th Planet ................................................2

Trolls ......................................................3

Arke ........................................................4

Burns Night ...........................................6 

Frederick Douglass' Burns Night ........6

Michael Jackson & Robert Burns .......6

Ian Anderson .........................................6

Pagan Saint Bridget ..............................7

Saint Valentine the Heretic ..................7

Imbolc ....................................................8

Year of The Monkey .............................9

Familiars ...............................................10

New Moon Magick ...............................10

Photo and Image credits .......................10

Mardi Gras ............................................11

David Bowie ...........................................19

Happy Birthday Bob Marley ...............22

Calendar ................................................23

In Memoriam Alan Rickman ...............24

Hayao Miyazaki ...................................25

Endorsements ........................................26


Friday, January 15, 2016


Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday.  A spirit so bright he still shines today, and someone that truly understood that we cannot live in a world of inequality, classes, oppression and wars.  I hope this year we can really share in his legacy and finish the journey he started.  #BlackLivesMatter

There are many ways to celebrate King's life and take action for social change all weekend and Monday:

My birthday is tomorrow. If you would like to celebrate my birthday, please consider doing one or all of the following:

1) Make a wish or cast a spell for me, for my prosperity, luck, health... mostly for my prosperity.

2) Tell a joke or watch or listen to something that makes you laugh really hard, and fill the world with laughter.

3) Share a Pink Flyer from the Pink Flyer Project, or share the link to the FB page (I can't find the password or email for the blog, lol, so I do everything through the FB page now.) 

4) Do these things between 3:53 PM CST (1553) and 4 PM (1600) on Saturday, January 16th.

If you want to "buy me a drink" for $3 on my paypal for my birthday ( I will use it for either my gym membership yearly fees, printing out Pink Flyers to post and distribute, Supernatural St. Louis printed editions, or political flyers on registering to vote for Occupy Public Transportation in St. Louis. You can choose if you put a note on the paypal memo.

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I see meme's that a heavy metal is going to be named after Lemmy of Motorhead.  Someone posted a meme saying that Bowie should have an exotic reef fish named after him because of his colourful personas over the years.

On Sunday a giant rainbow appeared over New York City.  A "rain-Bowie" a woman on facebook called it.  (This link shows all the photos of the rainBowie.)  The link describes how "Starman" was partly inspired by "Over the Rainbow".

I don't normally associate Bowie with a lot of Christian symbolism, but looking at the "Lazarus" video I was struck that his last album's first single was named for a resurrection, the album was released on a Friday, Bowie's birthday, and he died on Sunday.

Bowie's resurrection was to return to the womb of all creativity.  "Look up, I'm in Heaven."  And here was the corpus of Iris to show the path to the next realm.  Bowie is painting on a larger canvas now, for all to see.  We only have to look to the sky, to the astral, to Heaven.  Now there truly is a Starman waiting in the sky.

EDIT: 15 January 2016: A great article about Bowie's occult symbolism... A must read for Magickal Folk, CM's, Kabbalists, and Bowie Fans...

I believe in celebrating one's birthday- even if just singing to yourself a "Happy Birthday" song- because the door you come in to this life is the same door you exit out of life.  And it seemed appropriate to me because I do see Bowie as a God.  He was definitely a World Walker.  And a Shaman.

I might form a church called "RainBowie" or something.

EDIT/PS: I see Bowie faces in the cloud shapes.  I guess I will be like one of those Elivs fans that is always seeing faces in pancakes and stuff.  Maybe when an artist means that much to someone you see them everywhere after they are gone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Today is Epiphany.  It's Wednesday and Mercury is retrograde.  I still had an Epiphany.

It's been three years since I met my friend Epiphany on this day.  The book I am writing about my friend is still not done... Even without that marker in my life, everything about the first week of January is a combination of regret over the past and superhuman belief in the future.

The year changes for me at Samhain.  But the calendar year change is the most magickal day of the non-magickal "real" world.  People, myself included, really believe that somehow the change of digits in the date is going to give them the power to start anew.

Because we want to believe. Have to believe.

Most smokers that quit on the 1st of January resume in March, same with dieting and exercise plans.  But, three months out of 12 isn't so bad.  It's a start.  I am a half a century in mortal years, and if I hadn't had a decades of 3 month starts at the beginning of every calendar year to work on myself I wouldn't be where I am now... never mind that I still fall short of my own expectations.

Epiphany has always been one of my favourite parts of the Christmas cycle.  It kicks off the Mardi Gras season, for one thing.  But I always loved the story of The Magi.  And the idea that Christ brought such light to the world that we all would receive "Epiphanies" of understanding and clarity.

Today mine was that at 50, my Bohemian lifestyle and absorption in writing projects needed more tempering with a solid day to day schedule.  Just because I can stay up all night writing doesn't mean that I should.

I am hoping on the mortal magic to get me through til March, to help me overcome my own lack of discipline, and hopefully by March my new habits will be in place and I won't abandon them.  I don't make resolutions, but this year I decided I do need to make some adjustments. I need to parent myself.

Caveats... I did the watermelon man spell and see I forgot to write about it.  I did it at Samhain but didn't release it until the Solstice. (Link about the spell HERE and HERE.)

That was a hell of a spell to work out.  I finally decided to concentrate on Darren Wilson supporters, and in St. Louis.  I didn't force it on anyone, but anyone who accepts the dream will get to see the other side, in particular, what that experience would be like as Michael Brown, Jr. Or rather, if they were in that position, and in that situation as a black man.

I'd hoped to release at the Arch but couldn't, because you cannot get to the Arch at all during the construction.  If you read the (still draft) first issue of Supernatural St. Louis you know why I chose the Arch.  I was initially concerned about having to release it elsewhere, but it seems to go okay.

I knew there would be some kickback.  I didn't expect it to be so soon.  It came with the Oregon wackos, "Y'allQueda."  Do you know that my theories about that Bundy Ranch group is doing is shared by other right wing groups?  That was weird.  And uncomfortable.  (One of the militia groups even said that the Oregon group was a "False Flag" operation! Even further than I had gone! I was just musing on what the CIA has done in other countries!)

And the gun thing.  I never really understood people's insistence that you have to have a gun to fight the government.  Most of the people that say this are white, but not all.  My belief was always that the government has so many weapons that a few little guns wouldn't do anything.

But as I mentioned in my last post, these people have guns and they are being treated like they kings! It's either white privilege to THE MAX or it is that yeah, you have to have a gun (or a whole lotta cash to change things in the courts) to get anywhere with the US government.

Pink Ball Caveats... That was too much.  I posted everything in the comments of the event post. (The link in the sidebar.  The first two comments from me are what I got just doing the meditation on the Solstice.  The third and fourth comments are from the actual messages.)

Too many people were just thinking about it, but not doing it, and it was so random.  So no more public things like this because there isn't enough real world feedback.  Also, everyone sent me animals, and that got kind of confusing.  I was trying to hear the messages with the location information, and that was enough for me.  I "cheat" a lot- asking spirits and stuff for help translating, and using symbolic skills to translate images.

So the idea was I would be getting the actual telepathic THOUGHT with just the LOCATION.  And all sealed up and tamper proof in the pink balls.  I still feel kind of worn out from all astral animals.

I did send every single respondent an animal of one colour as a return message this afternoon.  I sent everyone an animal, inside of the pink balls, via the same green owl that delivered your message to me- regardless of how badly I got the message garbled.

So- email or put in comments if I got your information correct, and also let me know what animal and colour you got back.  With individuals I would like to start practicing sending and receiving at pre-arranged times.  We don't have to use the green owls once we have "real world" contact and an appointment.

I hope everyone got an Epiphany today, delivered on a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end.  I hope everyone got to see a little more of their own light, and the way to make the world a brighter and better place for all of us.

Love and Blessings! And Epiphanies!

PS- if you'd told me two weeks ago that the Bundy's were going to take over a wildlife refuge centre I would have believed it.  I would not have expected this though.  Truth is surely stranger than fiction! And you just never know who is watching, do you? Forget the NSA! We have BIRDWATCHERS doing surveillance!

A must read!

Here's this, too:

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I joined this facebook group without looking at it closely enough.  It was about 11 September 2001.  About two years ago I heard about Tower 7.  I always knew that the events of that day served the Bush regime well (and by "Bush regime" I really mean Senior and Rummy and Cheney, and people that most of us don't even know about).  But a government conspiracy?  It was too much.

But after I heard about Tower 7 and started looking into groups like Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a new idea began to emerge.  It was DoD contractors and the Bush regime.  And probably a lot of other groups in government and the defense industry, and not just in this country. (Learning about Serco was also a contributing factor.  They are known in St. Louis for sabotaging the Affordable Care Act- but a global company that has it's fingers in everything, and strong ties to the Bush regime.)

Some of the sites I have visited about 9/11 theories have really un-academic research methods (not Architects and Engineers, but a lot of the conspiracy theory sites, etc).  And even though I use the term "Illuminati" pretty freely, I don't mean the same thing these people do.

However, I've always been happy that there are conspiracy theorists out there, in addition to regular folk that question the official story our government tells us.  It's better that way. Freedom and justice cannot thrive among the obedient and docile, the unquestioning.

But I also want to get as many facts as I can, and as many viewpoints. I always seek out the opposition, or at least their version of the story. However, I did think the facebook group I joined was more people with my slant on the events of that day than people that were satisfied with the official story.

In fact, it was a group devoted to "debunking" the "truthers."  Turns out I am a "truther".  A label I don't like because it instantly brings to mind the Obama birth certificate people. But, you know, you can't always be what you want in someone else's story.  Everybody is the good guy in some stories, the bad guy in others, and everything in between.

I found out I was the bad guy pretty quick after I posted in the group.  I was getting slammed by two people I would normally call "trolls" except, midway through it, I realised that I was the troll!

One of the group admins did try to keep things at a calm discussion level, but as I was fending off attacks, I scrolled down the page again and realised that I had not looked closely enough.  I deleted my comment and I was gonna lurk but the two trolls just wouldn't stop.  Private messages insulting me and public posts gloating they had "scared me off".  There was nothing to gain by continuing, and now that I have the links to the "truther" "debunker" websites I don't need the group.  (I can just go read what the group is reading.)

It's ironic to find myself a troll, even inadvertently. I've sworn off trolls and trolling- every now and then I do respond in the comments section of the Riverfront Times, or other media sites, But I reel myself back in pretty quickly.  In the last year I've gotten a good look at the trolls, because of Ferguson, and over a year later, and without any contact on my part, they still drive my blog stats up on a weekly basis.  (Thanks Trolls!)

One of them still follows me on facebook, directs other trolls to both of my blogs.  I can't imagine that mindset as permanent. I can't imagine reading ever single thing someone I don't agree with and don't like, writes. I can't imagine wasting my own time like that, when it would be better put to use contacting government officials, signing petitions, etc.  What on earth does a troll stalker think they are going to accomplish? It's pointless.

But then again, I'm not one of the people watching their world collapse.  There are a lot of people in the world suffering, really suffering.  Hungry, homeless, lost, ill.  All of them could have everything they need, but the division of wealth keeps the abundance of the world from those that need it the most.  In fact, the Old Age kept wealth out of the hands of the people that produce it.  So there are people in the world fighting real battles.

But here in 'Murica, you have these (mostly) white guys just freaking out about how they are losing their privilege and control.  And all they can do is sit around on the internet, attacking people they don't know, and stalking them for years- just waiting to find the opportunity to"make them pay" for not upholding the myth of "white might is right."

When I talk about the muggle/micro/Piscean Age world collapsing, I am sometimes a little gleeful.  But the armed thugs that took over the Oregon wildlife centre today are a good reminder that it is actually not at all something to feel superior about. Because this what the trolls do when they get off the internet.  They go out with their guns in their hands.

This stupid micro/Piscean Age world has sucked for most of us waiting for the New Age, but anarchy and revolution aren't going to be pretty either.  Especially since it won't be us New Age hippie Macro Love Freaks launching it.  We're lending a hand to systems that are already collapsing, and trying to put the new New Age structures in place.

These conservative muggle people are literally fighting to the death to drag the world backwards, or to take out as many people as they can.  And it is going to get even uglier, I expect. It was really easy for a lot of people that wanted to keep their head in the sand to ignore what happened at Bundy ranch last year.  You could count on sixteen hours of Ferguson looting reruns to be on television to overwhelm the 10 minute story on armed white men pointing their guns at federal agents.

The Constitutional violations of the St Louis county and city police, and the Bundy ranch stand off were actually two of the most significant things to have happened during that time.  For every citizen of the U.S., not just the people involved.  But true to form, all we heard about was the looters.

And open carry is allowed in all courthouses and federal buildings?  In a country where random shootings occur at about 3 per week currently?  No one ever gets mad enough at a judge or cop or lawyer or a politician to want to shoot them. Smart move, voters.

If this were another country and the CIA was trying to install a coup, open carry everywhere would be a smart move.  (I don't think the CIA is launching a coup, but it's hard not see the possibilities in plot lines.) If I were a government official, or had an interest in maintaining the status quo, I'd be "up in arms" about open-carry.  It's basically an invitation to insurrection.

 It's ironic that the country is getting a dose of the real terrorists.  The white patriots. It's more ironic than Bureau of Land Management and Black Lives Matter having the same initials.  (There are people on twitter that actually thought the BLM with the crossed out circle in the white patriot terrorists photographs was anti-Black Lives Matter.  And it wasn't Black Lives Matter activists and supporters. It was the people too busy looking at the looting footage to pay attention to Cliven Bundy and his ilk.) The crazy white right wing white guys are busy fighting each other.

I am going to find it very interesting to see if the 2nd Amendment people are right.  That you have to have a gun to make the government stand down.  Maybe I am wrong about guns.  Maybe we should all go get one, just to keep the "man" off our backs.  (At least, until the next "man" comes along.)

Because let's be clear: whether Bundy ranch and federal land, or a Federal wildlife rescue centre, these guys are not out protesting the government in the streets- getting arrested and tear-gassed and having their Constitutional rights violated.

No, they are being "negotiated with" and sent snacks.

So maybe the gun people are right.  Maybe we need a gun to make revolution, not protest and love and justice and non-violence and Bernie Sanders and signing petitions.  Or maybe we just need to find some white guys with guns.  Because the cops bombed the shit of out Move.  But on the other hand, they also shot up Waco.

So what is it about these Bundy people that makes them so special? Is it just their white skin? Just their guns?

I hope these Bundy people are right wing wack jobs.  But it looks like more than just that.  They represent something bigger or a lot more people than is being reported in the press.  And in any other instance, this would be an act of treason and the start of an insurgency.  There is a reason they have been handled with kid gloves since this started.

If it is because they are white, which it very well could be, then wow.  I expect a lot of consciousness awakening at having the truth so exposed.  But I expected that last year, too,

Uranus goes direct tomorrow and Mercury is retrograde.  We are still in some Mars cycle that brings revolutions.  (Read to get the actual astrology.)  This seems like the beginning of something, even with the Mercury retrograde cycle in effect.

I don't know.  I am just musing.  But this seems far more serious than I see it being treated, and I don't like the vibe.

We shall see. Peace out, Peeps!