Tuesday, April 25, 2023


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Per my last few posts... Yes, I am still really depressed.  I don't know why the Mothership hasn't come for me yet, but it hasn't so I just keep on going.  So thankful for books. Books and walking in the park and seeing the sunset and stuff, plus my family, that is about all I care about. Everyday that I make it through without collapsing is a victory... anyhow, here is a post about a good book if you are looking for info on the Elohim. 

I just read Michael Heiser's Reversing Hermon.  I initially read it because of his disagreements with Zecharia Sitchin. (I am interested in Sitchin but not sure I think he has things right.  I don't think Heiser does either, but this is a big truth and takes a lot of viewpoints to even get a good picture of what is going on.)

The book was a really interesting. I'm going to read his other books, too, and a big chunk of the bibliography.  If you are here because you are searching for the Watchers, this book is a must read. 

This book basically reveals that the whole basis of the Church and "original sin" is wrong- I mean from the perspective of both Old and New Testament and all other scriptures.  Heiser  doesn't get into when everything became about Adam and Eve, because that was not his interest.  

Neither the promised Jewish Messiah nor Jesus was concerned about Adam and Eve's transgression. Yes, they had fucked up, violated the rules, had to leave the Garden, but there was no saviour needed for that.  Their choice meant they couldn't live in the walled garden anymore and also had to enter this world of fleshy suffering.  They didn't need a crufixion.

(God had basically set up a gated community here on earth for his people, but he knew they would be back after they died.  That's why you don't hear much about hell in the Old Testament.  It wasn't really a thing for humans.)

Genesis 6:4 and many other quotes in the Bible are not about Satan, or sinners, or about Lucifer's fall from grace (God had a lot of problems with his angels lol).  These quotes are about the Watcher Angels that decided to have sex with mortal women and fathered a race of giant Nephilim. 

This same story is in Babylonian mythology, from a different perspective. And the author makes a good argument for the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy, are also the same story told from another Pantheon's perspective.

Noah was one a grandchild of Lamech, who was a Nephilim.  But for some reason God was okay with Noah. God sent a flood to kill off all of these monstrous offspring and he bound the errant angels in Tartarus for the duration of this world.  

Fixed the problem, right? NO.  First of all, some more angels apparently fornicated again, because human women are so damn fine.

But worse, disastrous, in fact, the dead Nephilim could not return to Heaven or Tartarus and were stuck in a kind of hell- being neither human nor angel, no longer living in flesh, but part immortal. (And I need to read some more, but it appears they can also trap human spirits with them.  Not sure on that though.)

Because they were descended from Angels that could communicate with humans, they became demons, harassing people, driving them to evil, making them ill, tormenting them.  (Even after the departure from Eden we were originally supposed to get 120 years plus no illnesses and stuff.  But the Nephilim fucked that up.)

So God had to mate with and be born by a mortal woman, die a mortal death, and then stay in this same limbo that the Nephilim are trapped in and defend any of his followers that called up on him, because basically, he was the only one that can.  So that is how Jesus spends his time.  He's not helping Tom Brady win football games. 

Remember the Nephilim had ravenous appetites, would consume everything, including other people, destroy all resources... sound familiar? A world where the most successful people are actually enthralled by ravenous, destructive Nephilim that will be happier when humans and this planet are dead makes a lot of sense. 

I miss Roomie (always) and a few friends I have lost touch with in LA. Even if she didn't agree with Heiser, she would have been able to have a convo about this and probably would have been able to tell me something about what happened during the time of Bishops Iraenus and Tertullian- the Church fathers that really shaped so much of what people believe today- that this knowledge was lost or suppressed. Because it was around the 3rd century that everything became about Adam and Eve in most of the Christian churches.  (Gotta check up on the Ethiopians.  They are also the only church that included Enoch in their Bible.)

Probably because there is no way to manipulate that into humans needing the church.  Plus if the dead Nephilim latched onto priests (and I think they do) they would have a pipeline for souls after death.  Yes, eventually there would be the end of the world and judgement, but when you already know you are gonna be thrown in the lake of fire, there is no reason to hold back. Go ahead and corrupt people and get them to devour the earth's resources and commit every kind of evil imaginable because the humans can get salvation, but you can't. 

Oh- one other thing about this- the whole thing with women covering their hair? This book gets into the many euphemisms about hair and sex during ancient times- in Biblical stories and in others, including the Greeks.  

Hair was seen as a sign of genitals, particularly on women.  Since the God of the Old Testament did not create women and men equally, a man must cover his head in the world, and reveal it to God. But mortal women were too tempting to the angels, so they needed to cover their heads pretty much all the time. 

Paul is still a typical misogynist, but at least the head covering thing finally makes sense. 

Seriously, I've taken down all the other Watcher posts, but they get a lot of traffic.  Especially if you are using this in your paper or something, hit my paypal with a gift. Every dollar is appreciated. Thank you. 

The Fallen Angel, by Odilon Redon 1905