Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Not the most cheerful of Bealtaine posts, but this is the main transmission right now.  I am enjoying the unbelievably beautiful Spring!! And certainly one of the longest, at least in the last ten years here in St. Louis! I hope you are, too. No matter what is happening, I hope you have many things you love and appreciate in your life, and that you are focusing on those things.  

But I'm gonna talk about the apocalypse (for most), the Great Awakening (for some), aka The Big Shift, because that is what is happening.

I've been watching Eureka, having just finished Warehouse 13 for the second time.  Can't believe I didn't watch either of these shows when they were on.  It is a delight and the storylines are all very advanced metaphysics that celebrate science.  Anyhow, the Max Headroom actor plays an Australian and he says "Crikey" all the time.  Crikey is a good description for the premonitions I am having about June and July.  Particularly in the USA.

I have two standard things I say about being psychic:  "You are only psychic when you are right."  Because if you are wrong you are just a crazy bitch who should be on meds.*  (How psychic processes work will eventually be explained by science, but they are really complex.  And it hard to be both the test subject and examiner.)

The other thing is "Being psychic is mostly about self-awareness, not outer awareness."  The combination of empathy to the point of being emotionally psychic, that is, an Empath, and being clairaudient is really overwhelming.  

And to be a person with PTSD and suffer frequent anxiety attacks, living through a time where the overall level of anxiety is so high, I can't tell if I am overcompensating or under. We are on a tipping point. The widening gyre. "The centre cannot hold."

Psychically and empirically, if one looks at the balance of the planet, the chlorine shortage should be viewed as an alarm.  A very loud alarm.  It's not just about pools, that is just where it is visible. The epidemic helped the planet in terms of vehicles on the road and perhaps energy use, but we also created A LOT of medical trash.  PPE, wipes, and all of plastic bags and delivery cartons.  We have more recycling than need for it. 

Something I "saw" and expected to be occurring last year at this time (and had just thought I'd either been wrong, or that the circumstances had shifted) is happening right now.  Something of a personal nature.  But specific enough to the time frame and circumstances, that I thought I would post again and encourage people to be ready for disruptions in services or goods. I am often "off by a year"- sometimes behind, usually ahead.  

Plus Mercury retrograde is coming up.  And this year's theme is "Crikey".  So keep the gas tank filled up, water rations, flashlights, candles, extra medications, etc.  Keep your disaster kit up to date as much as possible.  And if you have the money- get a solar charger for your phone or computer if it's just the electric going out.  Do you have the means to do the whole doomsday thing? Generator, ham radio, rainwater collection and or water purification, foraging knowledge, garden, etc.

Do you have your backup network in place locally?  Meet up places in case of emergencies?  Does your neighborhood or community have disaster and evacuation procedures in place? 

We should have learned from Katrina that we cannot count on the government.  In a disaster FEMA and the National Guard should do the looting and make sure that supplies are distributed fairly and that the stores are compensated.  Established places to meet up should already be stated.  Once or twice a year citizen should be reminded to review emergency and evacuation plans. 

Also, for me, I feel like the best thing I can do as someone trying to be part of the best possible timeline for this planet and mortal humans, which I find best encompassed in an outcome very much like the book 2150 A.D. by Thea Alexander, is to re-create my own life.  What has worked up until now may not work anymore.  This is tricky, because these are strange times, and require a lot of gratitude and focusing on the blessings, but also looking for what is holding one back.  Do your best, and forgive yourself and others as frequently as possible. 

(Forgive does not mean continuing to put up with abusive or dishonest behaviors, though.  And if, like me, you found the emergence of Trump supporters and Covid deniers among your New Age and Magickal friends kind of shocking, well, it seems like round two is coming.)

I feel like if we can make it until August we will be passed the current set of dire straits.  However, if enough people- of any sort, magickal or otherwise- don't change the course of developed nations especially, we will continue the downward spiral.  Regardless, my sense is that in August we will have many new opportunities opening up, even if they are just another curtain call on the Titanic.  (If it is a curtain call, then the doomsday prepping will be your lifeboat.)

One last thing, which may or may not be related.  Vertigo and tinnitus.  I have heard a number of people in witch chat groups on social media talking about strange tinnitus or vertigo, and in the last two weeks three people I know personally, none of whom are a witches, having developed vertigo.  

Ironically, the heightened tinnitus and vertigo I have been suffering for the last couple of years has lessened recently, but it occurred to me that is also a change, albeit a more welcome one.  Mine was worsened by my concussion 2 years ago, but I believe it had more to do with a vitamin D deficiency I had not been aware of, and which has now been corrected. (50k IU's of Vitamin D2 by prescription once a week for three months.  I feel so much better! )

Worth getting a blood panel done if you can.  Lower levels of vitamin D are also associated with more severe Covid cases.  Also get your thyroid checked. Remember, psychic energies run through the endocrine system- so that is also lymph nodes, kidneys, as well as all glandular and hormonal centers, which are major chakras. The tinnitus is, I think, possibly just the ears trying to make sense of all the sounds in the brain.  The brain expects the ears to hear the voices of the dead, and overcompensates.

Stay in the moment and stay in love!!! Blessings peeps! Thanks as always for reading!


 (*you can also be too far outside of the person's rigid worldview and group mind associations) 

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