Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Jacobabad, Pakistan is 126 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Was responding to someone about being a witch or magickal person and watching the destruction of the planet simply because we cannot work together as a species.  For some people, driving around in a new car, eating junk food wrapped in landfill trash, and rushing home from a job they hate to watch a television show about people living the kind of life they desire, is the best possible life.  Or they can't even imagine another life and they are scared of their own selves, and their own inner life, to change or do anything differently. 

Ironically, these people cannot see that the end of that life is coming unless they at least slow down really significantly.  

This was my response about how emotional it is watching this planet get devoured:

My personal belief is that we are pretty much passed the tipping point. Humans can only live in a very narrow set of circumstances- 100 degree temperature range, specific needs for arable land and drinkable water. Our consumer societies and unequal wealth distribution have made living on this planet with 8 billion other people impossible. And in 1970 there were only 3 billion people on the planet. So way more people, and way more use of natural resources.

Between 2012 and 2016 I thought there was a chance that humans would ascend to a higher consciousness before the collapse would begin. Now I think it is almost too late. And improbable. My advice to myself and to everyone is that the future is magickal (and scientific, and I think one day science will explain magick). Do whatever you can for your place where you are, the best you can. Can you set up water reclamation? Solar panels? Garden? Do you have an emergency plan?

Try to reduce as much as possible. Buy fewer things and make less trash. Even recycling is using to much. Get involved in making your community greener, etc. Humans probably will survive in small numbers into 2100 or even 2200, but not before the entire planet turns into a trash heap.

Also I regularly talk to the animal and plant spirits, and simply ask for their forgiveness. The nature spirits are just heartbroken. A powerful thing to do right now, that witches do naturally, is to be grateful for seeing beautiful sunsets, drinking fresh clear water, seeing lightning bugs in summer, and the moon at night. Etc.

Big hug. I really feel you. It is hard to not get totally depressed.

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