Monday, February 15, 2021


15mar21 EDIT: I took that link to the Christian site with the info and picture of Nimrod and Semiramis and Tammuz out.  That was lazy of me, sorry.  That site was horrible and I should not have sent people there. Mea culpa!

Some people are surprised to find that I observe Lent.  I am a Pagan that embraces Abrahamic religions, but it is much more than that. One way I have of describing witchcraft is that we strive to live in conscious unity with the cycles of nature. We love, and communicate with, the forces that created and sustain this planet. We understand that our powers over nature come with responsibility. 

In Northern climates Lent falls during a time of year when food supplies would be low, especially fresh food, even when the weather was good.  During bad winters people and animals would starve during Lent, even as Spring was on the horizon.

And when other food ran out, seed stores are often drained.  In agriculturally dependent societies (more common in climates with cold winters) that meant fewer crops and stores for the next year.

So I believe in sacrificing something voluntarily.  And I've often been able to quit bad habits at Lent, by telling myself I only had to do it for 6 weeks.

In the last few years I've given up most of my bad habits, and with my (not serious) health issues and aging, many of my bad habits are no longer pleasurable.  The few I have are enjoyed in moderation, and would not be much of a sacrifice.

So I have decided to give up facebook.  I spend a lot of time on there.  Too much.  It's never bothered me before because I always knew I could live without it.  Now I feel panicked about a 6 week "facecation."

So now, for that reason, I have to do it.   

Maybe I will be posting more here, or maybe I will abstain from most social media.  I don't know.  I may still update my FB pages if I post on this or another blog. 

xxoo peeps


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