Wednesday, March 17, 2021


CNN has an article praising DeSantis for his "laissez-faire" attitude about Covid 19.

Republican Gov. DeSantis is taking credit as Florida booms a year into pandemic - CNNPolitics   

Because Florida's economy is booming.  

Wow.  In no other context would the death rate and overflowing hospitals be okay.  

This is how the Roman empire collapsed.  In fact, how all empires collapse.  The fat cat, consumer citizens gorged themselves with imported foods, served to them by servants and slaves from the same colonies. They powdered their faces with a white lead they knew was poisonous, and that was also killing the occupied miners.  

What is really sad is that the obvious is not acknowledged: Florida was the top super spreader.  The shutdowns in other areas weren't effective because we didn't shut down ENOUGH.  

If we had done this properly it would have been over.  In a truly sane and logical world, we could have effectively killed coronavirus by stopping it in its tracks. 

This won't be over with the vaccine and the variants, and in world of 7.5 billion and serious income equality (requiring the constant sacrifice of human life for the accumulation of capital) this is not the last global pandemic.  

We haven't even begun to feel the shortages and effects from this last year.  As I have said many times before, if any infrastructure is seriously impacted for too long, it is industrialized, grid and global supply chain dependent countries like ours that will suffer.

Goodbye coliseum! Goodbye orgies and raping slaves! Goodbye lying on the couch stuffing yourself until you die from bowel impaction! Nero has begun playing his jig, but you can't hear it over the shouts of "it's just the flu" and "people have to get back to work"!

The next 15 years are the icky part for New Age folks.  Keep wearing your mask, even if you have superpowers.  Now is not the time to challenge group mind or tempt the fates.  To be part of the new world you have to survive the death of the old world.   

Stay safe and stocked up. 

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