Saturday, June 15, 2024


Someone either from my bank or from the City of Riverview sent this to me, probably in relation to comments on a post about Wesley Bell running against Cory Bush.  The ad was paid for by a conservative Republican group. Both parties now back and send out literature on candidates from the other party- easier to attack the incumbent as a challenger, the candidate has nothing to do with it- in an effort to divide the vote.  (Either so their candidate wins, or the they get a more compatible incumbent.)

I haven't lived at the address they mailed it to in over 7 years. (I erased the address before posting.)  Since I mention Bell's awful legacy in Riverview, and called it (as I always do) a traffic court that exists to pay the salaries of the white trustees (and police and court costs) and literally does NOTHING else for its citizens, I imagine I won't have to go too far to find this person.  (Ironically probably a woman actually named Karen who I've clashed with in social media comments before.) 

What is hilarious is that this person went out of their way to mail me, a BITCH, this threat of HELL, but won't spell either word out LOL. 

So, sweetie, don't worry, I'm already in hell, stuck here in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.  You scared the current homeowner, so I am gonna have to do my best to track you down, especially if you work at my bank. 

Adorable though.  Before I was 15 I was strangled twice, have had guns pointed at me, been abducted, raped, and lived on the streets as a runaway?  Not too mention all the other shit I have been through in my life.  I guess whatever I said to you really hit home, though, huh?  I mean, the effort you went to is flattering. 

Love my blog and/or me?  Or even just like it a little? 

Help me pay a bill or get some much needed dental work done:

venmo is @laladyrae  

Make sure you put **LA Lady Rae**, and not just lady rae, without the LA it goes to someone else who will just keep your money 

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