Friday, June 28, 2024


I have been having some convos with various unrelated people lately about random thoughts, "voices in the head", weird images, disturbing earworms, etc.

I think the errant mind is more difficult for people that don't have any supernatural or psychic beliefs or experiences. Also, I grew up with a mentally ill person, so for 54 of 58 years I have learned to question everything the brain does.

The brain is made to think, which includes verbal and non verbal thoughts, images, sounds, feelings, etc. Even if you don't believe in any kind of connection in your consciousness with something bigger than humans or non humans, our brains are still basically supercharged electromagnetic meat pudding and there probably is a kind of morphic field that filters in a lot of garbage from the collective human thought murmuration.

Even if you don't remember your dreams, you know that people that do will tell you they often make no sense, have weird sights, sounds, and conversations, and the part of your brain that processes written language shuts down and you cannot read.

So if you have weird or alarming thoughts, just let them go. You are not your thoughts.  Even your conscious ones.  This is the biggest struggle for most people- if something alarming comes into your mind, and you believe that this must belong to you.

If you have a troubling thought you cannot shake ask yourself if someone were saying this to you how would you feel about it? And ask yourself if someone you trusted said it and also if it was someone you didn't trust?

My mentally ill family member and friends cannot always shake the compulsion to do what the thought demands because it feels so real.  More real than what I am saying to them. They will listen to random voices because they feel like they are being controlled by something bigger than themselves or other humans. (Some religions people do this too.)

Psychics hear voices of the dead and non human entities, but treat them the same as they would the living.  Spirits ask me to do crazy shit for them all the time.  When I first started hearing them clearly and speaking to the dead, I went out of my way to pass on every message I was given.  Most people are not ready to hear that, and it really frightens people who do not believe in an afterlife.

Not every thought is equal.  You don't have to act on every thought in your head... and one I wish I could learn lol, you don't have to say everything you think, when you think it.

And if you are plagued by thoughts or obsessed, the best thing you can do is find someone to talk to about it- friend, therapist, tarot reader or psychic, etc.  That will just feed it, and often create an obsessive disorder.

 Anyhow, lol, a voice in my head suggested I post this because it is not a coincidence that these things keep coming up. I did not have to post this, but I chose to after thinking about it.


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