Friday, October 26, 2012


I have been trying to write about these rape comments- actually started with Akin-- and haven't been able to finish because it is like the hydra's multiplying heads.  These beliefs are very deeply rooted and begin very far back in human society, and intertwine with many other beliefs.  (Rape might be a cornerstone of human civilization up until now.)

 But one thing that really bothers me is the foundation these beliefs create when put together- this platform of
1) an autonomously breathing female body being less important than an egg fertilized by a One and Only God
2) rape being a method that this God may use to fertilise the egg (and indeed, this God, as the Holy Spirit, raped a Virgin, and moreover, if Jesus is God in flesh, actually raped his own mother).

 So what is next? Rape for Jesus? Give Jehovah a chance to make some more souls?

And, please,  non-insane Christians, I am not talking about your or your Jesus.  I am giving these right wing Neo-Cons their own logic back at them.  I LOVE Jesus, and I do understand the Immaculate Conception of Mary.  But enough is enough with these people. 

 Oh, AND Jesus got the death penalty!  You know, now that I think about it, the Jesus story, whether you see him as God or man, really embodied a lot meanings and viewpoints.

Somewhere I was reading someone saying "what is the difference between Jesus and Hercules?" and viewed this way, they are VERY similar-- selfish, Divine fathers raping mortal women, superstrength in the world of men but handicapped in the world of the Gods... etc..

Will Good Christian women be required to thank their rapists for impregnating them with God's seed?  Apparently it doesn't matter if the rapist is Christian, his sperm belongs to God.  I am a witch and my womb still belongs to Jesus.

I wonder if they could get their way, if the age of consent would become when a woman can get pregnant? Even if she was 8, as is the case with girls reaching puberty younger and younger?  

This is a seriously impotent God that these people worship.  He only motivates through punishment.  And the rewards he promises are very vague and limited.

His followers say they feel great joy and God is Great blah blah blah, if only they could change every other single person on earth to conform to their beliefs.  They don't have to proclaim a Christian jihad, it is already inherent.

Everyone but the 144,000 that are written in the Book of Heaven are going to hell, and you'd better rescue a lot of fetuses and do a lot of praying and evangelizing while you are down here if you want to HOPE that you will be on that very short list.

And, no, I am not kidding about that. The Rabbi that figured out the exact Biblical date of Genesis will back me up, as well as many fundamentalist preachers that I have heard personally in my lifetime.  That is somewhere in the Bible.  It has something to do with the 12 tribes of Israel times 12 and then multiplied 10,000 times, or something.

The same people that think that Satan put dinosaur bones here to trick us, or that God has an assembly line soul factory composed of mortal women's wombs, believe this Book of Judgement literally.

144,000.  No wonder they are all so rabid.

Maybe the Christians are engaged in some sort of  pre-Rapture/Armegeddon Gladitorial games to win those spots in Heaven. Like Fight Club, you know, where you don't talk about it to outsiders.

 Goddess, I hope that Rapture comes soon. Right after the re-election of Obama would be nice. By bye Fundies, have fun in Heaven!

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