Sunday, November 4, 2012


A poem and a prayer:

Did not your God demonstrate
Great Miracles,
And lead people through deserts,
And part seas;  turn staffs to serpents?

Did not your God create
ALL of creation and everything,
Including the Devil, Shaitan, and
Loki, Baal, and Kali, too?

And He made ALL the people,
Including me?
And all of us with a
Purpose, and part of the Grand Plan?

If your God is so great
And your Afterlife so wonderful
Why do you begrudge us sinners
Our moments of pleasure?

Perhaps your true test
Is if you can pass through Hell
Without involving yourself in it,
Because then you are of it.

Is this Life for you
A Gladitorial arena, where
You battle it out
With Sinners for cash and prizes?

Does your God
Give you points only for
Condemnations and Hate?
High scores for spying on your neighbours?

Without the benefit of your God
Many people, pagan and athiest,
Have determined the basics of
Human dignity: sustenance, shelter, safety, privacy.

Are you unable to navigate
This world without
Your punishing, judging, jealous,
Allmighty God?

And if your God is so Good,
Why are you unable to see
Good in everyone you meet?
If your God created us in his image?

 Copyright 2012

1 comment:

  1. you are actually wanting answers and truth from Christians?..yah, how's that working for ya?
