Sunday, July 14, 2013


I wish every white person in America would ask him or herself the following questions:

Am I afraid of black people?

 Especially black men?

Why am I afraid of black people?

Do I believe that they are different from people with white skin and that the problems in the black community are based on genetics and not environment?

Are any of my beliefs based in MY OWN actual life experiences?

How much of my understanding of black folks and culture comes from the media?

 Have I ever known any black people well enough to be comfortable enough to "forget" they are black?

Am I capable of interacting with black people, especially black men, as individual human beings, separate from skin colour and culture?

Can I imagine MYSELF as a black person?

If I can see myself as George Zimmerman, can I also see myself as Trayvon Martin?

Please don't post your answers to me, just know the answers for yourself.

If  you are black or another culture-- please feel free to ask yourself these questions and change all the colour words around. 

Ask yourself questions about what you believe all the time.  Never be afraid to look through another person's lens.  It is not wrong to try to see something from the POV of your enemy or opposition.  It is not wrong to try to believe or see something from a detestable point of view.

If it is truly detestable to you, it might leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, but it won't turn you into a Tea Bagger, or whatever.  In fact, it will most likely do the opposite. You will be able to explain your POV more clearly.

I will be posting more on this later.

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