Friday, November 20, 2015


...Somebody's watching me/ And I got no privacy/ whoa ah oh...

Remember that song?  By Rockwell, with MJ singing back-up. Here's a link to the video:

The video is about spirits and being haunted.  Spied on by the dead.**

Yesterday I saw two drones heading North through Baden.  I'm concerned my computer might have caught the most recent spyware virus.  Anonymous is shutting down Daesh/ Isis. **  The CIA is blaming Snowden for the Daesh attack in Paris.  (YES, REALLY. Ridiculous.)

Spying, surveillance, privacy, we are being confronted by the reality of this New Age of Electronic Fire. That Rockwell song is from a world before the internet, when the planet had half the population it has today.

There are twice as many somebodies now.  Our population is the number of humans that have gone before us.  Half of all the people who have ever lived are dead.  And the internet?  My personal belief is that way back at the dawn of Homo Sapiens we had telepathic powers with our "tribes" and nature spirits and the dead.

Without psychic abilities, without spiritual medium skills, without telepathy, this mortal ("muggle") world has the ability for faster communication with more living people than ever before.  Ever before.  And with more living people together on this planet than ever before. (No wonder everyone is going crazy.)

George Orwell got it right, he just didn't realise that it would be reality tv and webcams and facebook and livestreams.  That we would partly be inviting the world to watch us.  And the world would be inviting us to watch it.  His dystopian future is an accurate vision of what a lot of people are doing all day at their jobs (ie, watching other people on social media).

One battle the Old Age is engaging in as it crumbles is whether people have the right to privacy from their government.   Privacy is over, ironically.  But part of the transition to the New Age is having this conversation about how the Old Age does things. (In other words, I sign all those petitions against the NSA spying on citizens and that sort of thing.  I support whistleblowers and leaks and full transparency of our government.)

Real intelligence is the ability to see more than one side, to empathise with the enemy to understand him. Psychics and mediums can tap into the collective human spirit, but we are still just individuals, with limited time.

For all this communication and broadcasting and spying and reality tv, as humans collectively, we still don't understand how to use this knowledge for our own good.  Government intelligence is a joke.  It's an oxymoron with a punchline.

For those government agencies to really watch even one person around the clock requires at least five humans working 8 hours a day each.  The knowledge those humans collect has to be consolidated and shared, and by the time the facts and conjectures have run through five different filters and then presented, it has been diluted.

All of these private emails and phone calls that NSA collected, would require five times the labour to disseminate that it took to produce it.  They would have to hire every person in China to do intel.

I'm not suggesting that people stop shredding their mail or using passwords, but I am suggesting that people really learn to release any fear about surveillance. Magickal folk especially,  For one thing, there are a lot of effective spells and shields that can be used to keep private your financial information, or your porn collection, or whatever.  Magickal means can used with empirical systems or alone.

We New Age, Macro, 5D people need to accept that we are moving toward a future where everything is going to be transparent, empirically-- financially, politically, socially-- and also psychically.  By 2035 the people that don't have rudimentary psychic skills are going to be anachronistic.

This breakdown of what the Old Age, micro, 3D, world called "privacy" has to happen.  We will have a new version of it in one more generation's time, but it won't be the same.  We will learn to shield our thoughts out of politeness, The outer transparency will transform society and be part of the transformation to a world without wars, hunger, poverty, etc.

Those of us that came early will likely be uncomfortable during this transition.  My personal choice has been to "hide out in the open".  To be, essentially, "crazy" to the muggles until science catches up with the 5D world.

I know many others that are choosing to move to rural areas, and shut out the Old Age collapse while creating havens for respite and escape if things get too hairy for their peeps.

Others are retreating to begin construction on the tempplate for the New Age world- collective farms both urban and rural, worker owned co-ops, housing co-operatives, etc.

No matter what you are doing, just remember that as the deceased shed all shame and secrets, the Old Age too will shed her dignity without disgrace.  The New Age thrives in honesty, not shame.  The New Age creates prosperity for all and not profits for a few.  The New Age embraces every reality, and ensures that all human life is cared for and nurtured.

Everything is changed now, and many things have become their reverse (as noted earlier: we are overpopulated, a threat to nature, instead of vice versa).  When we are all mind readers there will be no more lies, and non-magickal technology is catching up.

In fact, it maybe that if that technology catches up too soon before the New Age is firmly established, that Old Age greed will destroy a lot more than it is now.  The humans that have no "New Age" vision are seriously freaking out.  This is a hell of some kind for them.  Their secret affairs and most shameful secrets and bad camera angles are potentially being examined by their own government and their neighbours and that girl they didn't like in high school.

They have no sight other than physical and they cannot tell a good person from a bad.  So they lump everyone that dresses or speaks a certain way into one category.  They do not believe that a better world is coming.  For many the highest spiritual reality is to die on this planet and go to an after-life.

Dystopia is all they know.  Don't let them drag you into their reality.

You can keep yourself protected during this time by remembering to move with intent through this world.  By employing your guardian spirits/angels/lightworkers/etc to keep you protected and safe through your activities.

Your spirits are always watching you, and they are here to assist in this transition.  Shine the light of conscious love and healing whenever you can.  Release goodness and affirmations of health, wealth, happiness, and safety everywhere you go.

Speak your truth about the New Age to yourself even if not to others.   We have lived in this muggle world and the magickal world, now we must straddle the emerging New Age as well. (For me this is actually four lenses: Muggle/Old Age and Magickal, and Magickal and New Age/Macro.)

We're still at least ten years from levitation, at least collectively that is- not individually.  But once these powers start to emerge in scientifically measurable ways, we will need to be prepared for the level of honesty and transparency required in all of us.

That will likely be harder for us that were born before the Indigoes.  We will be alright, but I think that collectively we all might be needed to make greater adjustments in our day to day lives.  We don't have the same protection as a sports or cultural celebrity, but out awareness of other people is as large.  Celebrities have to put up with a lot of garbage and other people's thoughts and opinions, like we do.

Celebrities have body guards and publicists that shield them from too much exposure, and assistants to keep them focused on what they are doing, regardless of what is being said about them on the nightly news.  In the same way, employ guardians to protect your mind from things that don't matter.  Ask the Sylphs to help filter out all the muggle transmissions flying around via the airwaves.

And develop tougher skin, so that when one gets hit psychically with someone else's negative opinion, one doesn't have any sort of inner reaction that is harmful to oneself or distracting to one's true purpose. If it is actionable in the muggle world, that is different.  But opinions of muggles thought in their heads, that they do not believe anyone else can "hear"- get a shield to deflect it.

We have powers that other people don't have yet.  In some ways we are omnipotent, in others we are crippled.  Using these powers to protect yourself is not wrong or bad.  You would not ask a secretary that could type very fast to type slow because it wasn't fair to the other secretaries.  It's time to speed up.

In another 20 years the supernatural won't be super anymore.  It will be natural.  Utopia only seems like perfect world from the view of a dystopian world.  There will be new problems then, even when there are no lies or wars or hungry people.  There will always be problems to solve, and there will always be challenges.

Fight for privacy as a right in the non-magickal world, but consider that soon it won't exist.  Consider that some day we will have no need of it, and adjust to straddling these two realities during the transition.

Peace out peeps.

** The Anon that is behind OpIsis and Wikileaks had an epic twitter fight the other day.  One of the things Wikileaks said to OpIsis was "You say you are for internet freedom but you dox KKK'ers."  Actually a different Anon did that but I am not sure.  Wikileaks also did not agree with OpIsis sharing their intel with government agencies.  The conversation that is happening about privacy and freedom and "spying for safety" etc is very complicated and multi-faceted.

**From the movie Dogma.  I couldn't find a clip of this on Youtube:

Rufus: You know what the dead do with most of their time? They watch the living. Especially in the shower.

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